Sunday, December 25, 2005

Christmas Is Here!!!

Well today was the big day! Christmas is finally here, and i got to share it with my Mommy and my Daddy! We had a great time and Santa brought me lots of gifts, although I would be lying if I told you that ripping all that paper gave me a huge adrenaline rush... I got so excited i forgot about the gifts themselves. But all of that changed when I opened my first baby, after that, forget it. I just wanted to play with my new babydoll, the rest of that stuff can wait! Right? I Wish the rest of the family could have been here with us, but I will be coming down to visit you all very soon!!! MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL!!!

Saturday, December 03, 2005

Just a li'l update...

Hi, it's Aunt Tricia, just giving you a little update on Miss Alexis...

Her daddy will be home REALLY soon, before Christmas, which will be a great Christmas present for Lex and for Mommy. Alexis talks so much, her Mommy says, and her favorite thing to say lately is, "No, Mommy." And she asks to eat all the time, even in the nighttime when she should be sleeping, but she's still her usual svelte self.

That's all I've got right now. Hopefully we'll have some new pictures soon!


Sunday, November 13, 2005

Some delayed pictures...

Here is a picture of the sign we made for Daddy when he came to pick me up! Aunt Tricia's finally getting around to getting it loaded to post for me. She's also FINALLY sending me my toys...I secretly think she's been playing with all my stuff, but she claims she hasn't. Hmmm....
Here's me the morning my dad came to get me. I was wearing my "Don't mess with me...HOOAH!" shirt. Remember, I wore this when I first went to Aunt Tricia's and I was much smaller then, so this'll probably be about the last time you see this on me! Posted by Picasa

Just for kicks, here's the picture of me in April...look how tiny and not-walking I was, all propped up against the chair in my 6-12 months jeans.

Saturday, October 22, 2005

Bye-bye, Lex! We will miss you!

Well, this is the last Aunt Tricia weekly post. Alexis went back to Kentucky today with her Daddy, and her Mommy will get there later today to see her for the first time in 7 months. Aunt Lisa and I are very, very sad to see her go, even though we are happy she is back with her parents. We have had such a good time with her, and we feel very lucky to have been with her and to see her learn and grow. She is a very special wee one, very smart and brave and funny, and of course impossibly gorgeous. Alexis has brightened up our days since she got here, and we know she will be so glad to see Mommy again.

We will miss you, little monkey-headed Peanut. We love you very, very much!

Aunt Tricia & Aunt Lisa

Friday, October 21, 2005

Packing it in.

Well, getting all of my stuff ready to go, and tomorrow I head east to see my Mommy....yay, Mommy!

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Last day of school!

Today is my last day of school at Good Shepherd Academy. Aunt Tricia & Aunt Lisa took me in this morning and Mrs. Tammy gave me a baby doll which is VERY pretty. Daddy is coming to pick me up in the middle of the day so I can hang out with him and Mamaw P.

I'm sad to leave all of these wonderful ladies who have taken such good care of me, but I will get to visit them when I come to Missouri and Aunt Tricia promised to send them pictures and stuff.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Daddy's here!

Well, my Daddy made it here to get me and I was not so sure at first that this could actually be him, but I've figured it out and I'm very glad to see him. My Mamaw Princess came with him and we will have lots of fun!

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Tomorrow, I see my DADDY!

Guess what?!? My Daddy is back in the US and he is coming to see me tomorrow and to visit with Aunt Tricia & Aunt Lisa for a couple of days before he takes me to see Mommy!

Mommy has left Cuba and will be in Kentucky in a few days to get me. Yay, Mommy & Daddy!

Monday, October 17, 2005

Sunday, October 16, 2005

Saturday, October 15, 2005

This week in Alexis Land.

Alexis keeps saying lots of new words...I've decided not to keep track anymore. The other night she said "Goofball," and when it's gone that far, I can't be bothered to keep up. She's been feeling a little poorly, with diaper rash and buckets of drool, so I think that last molar is finally making its debut. She has a great new thing where she likes to wedge one or both of her feet in between the crib rails while she sleeps. I guess it's comfortable for her...until she turns over and can't get her feet loose. Then she has to cry and someone has to go use the Jaws of Life to free the trapped foot. I keep sneaking in there to take the feet out of the rails, but she keeps putting 'em back in.

And she likes to climb on the coffee table, which is fun. I keep saying no and removing her, but I don't think her Mommy & Daddy have a coffee table, so what the heck, right? Daddy will be here in a few days to get her, and it will be a sad week for us and for everyone at daycare. But we'll have fun and hang out together until the Daddy arrives!

Aunt Tricia

Friday, October 14, 2005

My nana is coming to visit!

Hey, my Nana called tonight and she is coming out to visit me...yay! We will have lots of fun.

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Me with Miss 'Netta.

Here's me with Miss Shanetta, one of my teachers at school:

I love her because she is sweet and nice. She also feeds me breakfast every morning (even if I already ate breakfast at home! How cool is that?)

Wednesday, October 12, 2005


After school today, I came home and played outside for a while and got to sit in the tree out in front of the house...I said "tree" and then I said "down." (I also said "peach" but that's neither here nor there, is it?) I also chased Joe the Cat all over the backyard, yelling "Joe, Joe, Joe," the whole time.

My antibiotics are making me feel lots better, my cough is pretty much gone and I'm such a good girl that after I take my medicine every night, I ask for more. ("Mo meh-min.")

My babysitter Eryn watched me for about an hour tonight while Aunt Tricia had to go back to work for an event, and Aunt Lisa wasn't home yet. Then I took a bath and watched the first inning of the Cardinals' victory over the super-stinky Astros. Yay, Redbirds! Posted by Picasa


Meow! Here's me in the mask the nice people at Build-A-Bear gave me the other I just the cutest little kitten you've ever seen?

P.S. Go Cardinals!

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

These teeth really come in handy!

I LOVE corn. I don't know why they call it an "ear" because it doesn't look anything like an ear. But, some of it probably ended up in my ear, so I guess that makes sense.

Monday, October 10, 2005

Would you like to touch my monkey?

Here's my new monkey Aunt Tricia & Aunt Lisa got me! I was going to get either a monkey, or a frog because I sleep on my belly with my legs all pulled up like a frog. But, I liked the monkey best and the aunts like to call me a "little monkey" when I climb all over everything. Anyway, he's super-soft and cuddly, and when I squeeze his hand, Aunt Tricia & Aunt Lisa talk to me. He's also got a little t-shirt that says "Someone in St. Louis Loves You!"

Sunday, October 09, 2005

Tricia Time!

Since Lex wouldn't let me post yesterday, I'm taking over today! Alexis is feeling lots better after her first couple of days of antibiotics. She has cut one of the two bottom molars, so there's only one little one left to come through in this batch of teeth, and that certainly wasn't helping her fever, or making her feel any better last week.

This morning, she got to see Daddy on the webcam, and both Mommy & Daddy were online and got to see her walking around and playing.

She's been very funny lately, screaming a lot when she's very excited. She's also got quite a few new words (the doctor's office still says she should be saying at least 5-7 words. hah! She says 5-7 words in her sleep. Really. She does.) Anyway, new ones are:

  • car
  • house
  • home
  • ready
  • outside
  • medicine (meh-min)
  • shower
  • eye
  • five
  • six
  • eight
  • nine (and she mumbles things that sound like "seven" and "ten," too)
  • more
  • mine
  • no (getting to be a very popular choice these days)
  • Hannah
  • Stacey
  • Eva
There are probably lots more I'm not thinking of now. She uses these pretty regularly, too, not just a one-shot deal. Plus, she's gives much less slobbery kisses, actually closing her mouth and making the little smacking noises. She holds her hand out for shampoo in the tub, and washes her own hair, and she sometimes looks at her outfits now in the morning like, "Hmmm, this? Are you sure?" It's just a matter of time 'til she's telling Mommy what she'll wear and what she won't wear!

That's the update for this week. We're taking her to Build-A-Bear today to get her going-away gift, so she'll probably post a picture of that in the next day or two!

Saturday, October 08, 2005

Happy Birthday, Daddy!

Even though Saturday is usually my day off, I couldn't let this one go by without saying HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my Daddy! I love you, and I'll see you very soon! Have a great day, Daddy!

(Aunt Tricia merged me into a new photo of my sisters, so we could give Daddy the proper shout-out on his big day! She also told me to post this at 8:32 a.m., because that's the exact time Daddy was born, and interrupted Aunt Tricia's Saturday morning cartoons. But no, she doesn't hold a 28-year-grudge.)

Friday, October 07, 2005

Another doctor visit for me.

Had to go to the doctor today, again. (I got kicked out of daycare yesterday afternoon because my fever was over 103! Can't go back THERE 'til Monday!) Anyway, he said it's still just a bad head cold, probably a slight sinus infection, so I have an antibiotic and just have to take it easy. I've been napping lots and am feeling a bit better now.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Who needs a stinkin' bib?

I had ravioli for dinner tonight. Some of it even got INTO my mouth, believe it or not. This was AFTER I'd had a banana, and then I had my ravioli with meatballs, some green beans and another banana. It was VERY good.

Monday, October 03, 2005


How do you like this look? I had been playing after breakfast Sunday morning, and then I had to get a diaper change. I was so tired, I fell asleep before I even got my pants put back on. Zzzzzzz....

Sunday, October 02, 2005

Happy Birthday, Mommy!

Happy Birthday, Mommy! I miss you and can't wait to see you!

Saturday, October 01, 2005

Punkin head.

It's me, Aunt Tricia. I had to work a few hours this morning. Then, this afternoon, we went to Eckert's Apple Orchard in Illinois. We saw this giant pumpkin and we went out on a hayride to the orchards and picked our own apples, plus we rode on a giant underground slide, fed some sheep, saw goats and a pig race and ate kettle corn and apple cider.

Whew! Alexis had lots of fun but we are all VERY tired. It's October, which means Alexis' mommy and daddy will be here very soon to visit us and to pick Alexis up so she can go home with Mommy! We know they're very excited to be seeing her and each other, and we can't wait.

Friday, September 30, 2005

Cake Face.

Today, one of Aunt Lisa's co-workers left for a new job and they had cake for him. Soooo, she brought a piece home and, well, you can see what became of that! And I only had a few bites...imagine if I'd had the whole piece. It was good stuff, though.

Then, Aunt Tricia & Aunt Lisa went to the last regular-season night game at Busch Stadium, and I got to stay with my babysitter Eryn. We had fun and ate Chinese food, plus the Cardinals won and Albert Pujols hit a grand slam home run...go go go go go go go Cards!

Thursday, September 29, 2005

Cozy in the fleece!

It's finally getting cool outside, so I got to wear the snazzy fleece jacket I borrowed from Eva...don't I look warm and sporty?

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Bon Appetit

Just enjoying a little afternoon snack! My cold is getting better, just a little cough now, really. I went back to school today and I was excited.

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

I don't like being sick.

I have a cold. It's a bad, yucky head cold. I gave it to Aunt Tricia and to Aunt Lisa. Aunt Tricia and I have been home for 2 days, so today we went to see my doctor, just to make sure it was nothing more serious. She said no, just a bad head cold that has to run its course, no ear infections or throat problems or anything like that. But it's making me feel cruddy, and I don't much like it.

Monday, September 26, 2005

Finger lickin' good?

Aunt Lisa says I look like Colonel Sanders...what do you think?

Personally, I don't think old Harland and I have much of a resemblance, except we do both LOVE chicken! But maybe if I get a white suit and a little tie, I can con someone out of some of those Honey BBQ Wings....hmmm.

Sunday, September 25, 2005

What am I supposed to do with this?

Here's a picture of me and Hannah at the Farmer's Market yesterday. We were playing on this big sculpture, which I examined carefully and then tried to eat. I had lots of fun yesterday and I talked to Mommy. She said then that it was "23 days and a wake-up" until she can come home, which is very exciting!

Saturday, September 24, 2005

16 months and what do you get?

A sticky little hand and a diaper that's wet! Oh, wait, sorry...I think that's supposed to be "16 tons and what do you get?" Anyway, it's me, Aunt Tricia again. Alexis is 16 months old today! For a fun field trip, we went with Aunt Lisa's mom and Hannah to the Soulard Farmer's Market. Alexis ate about a million grapes (and said "grape" 3 or 4 times, too), and then shoved some danish in her mouth. Look at those cute, pudgy little fingers!

She had a lot of fun with Hannah today, and took two naps with me (which I especially enjoyed!). The first nap, this morning, was short, but she was so tired that we went up and laid down on the big bed and she didn't make a single sound, just rolled over and was sound asleep in about 30 seconds. She saw Daddy online today and talked to Mommy on the phone. She's also learning to ride on her Sit-n-Spin:

She loves to stand on it, too, and will probably keep doing it until she falls off eventually, because she is a daredevil and nothing we say will dissuade her. We have an ottoman with wheels that matches the living room chair. She was climbing up on it and laying on her belly, but Miss Adventurous is now standing on it and jumping off. Because it has wheels, of course, when she shifts her weight to jump, the stool starts moving backward as she begins moving forward. I'd love to catch it on film for you, but I have to catch her! Today she began the dramatic ascent when I was sitting on the floor a few feet away, and I leaned as far toward her as I could to grab her feet and ankles to keep her from jumping. She began her jump too soon, though, so I couldn't grab her feet and didn't have my hands ready to catch her. She has excellent aim, and landed right on me, holding on to me and laughing like a little maniac. We told Daddy and he said, "She is crazy." Daddy is right! Tonight, she was sitting on the big floor pillow, then stood up and yelled, "up, " and then sat down and yelled "down." We all clapped and yelled and were very proud of her--she was very proud of herself, too!--and did it over and over again.

Finally, she got a new nickname! Aunt Mandy and I are "seesters," and so when one of us refers to ourselves, it is "meester." That makes Lisa "Leester," so today, Alexis officially became "Niecester." Welcome to the club, Lex!

Friday, September 23, 2005

Sorry, no pictures...

Hey, guess what? I pooped in the tub tonight! And, Aunt Tricia was in there with me, ha ha ha!

She was in such a hurry to get out that we didn't get any photos of that, but she'll take a picture of everything else, won't she? She's a big ole was just a little TINY one anyway.

Also, I learned to stomp yesterday and I LOVE stomping. It makes a big noise and it's lots of fun.

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Exciting news!

My Uncle Jon and Aunt Amanda are going to have a baby, which means I am the big cousin!!! Yay, I'm so excited! Grandma emailed me to let me know.

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Who cranked me up?

I don't know, but wow, I am super cranky tonight. I was playing quietly and sitting on the floor; I walked over to Aunt Lisa and asked her to pick me up, which she did. Then I just started yelling and crying. I cried when I was being held, I would yell "down" and as soon as I was put down, I'd scream again and ask someone to pick me up. I cried when Aunt Tricia held me, and when Aunt Lisa held me. I'd have someone read me a book, and cry as soon as it was over. It's probably just the teething--the second upper molar, the one on the right side, is just poking through a bit but there are still the two bottom molars to come in. I was happy in the bathtub, as usual, but otherwise, steer clear of me. I am a bad news bear!

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Like my hat?

Ha ha, it's my shorts...I was wearing them on my head as I headed to the bath tonight! Invite me over....I'll be the life of your party, too!

On a more serious note, I can now point to my eyes, ears, nose, mouth, teeth, tongue, hair, belly and toes. I can say eye, ear, mouth, nose, toes, teeth and belly. I'm starting to expand my peek-a-boo skills into the game of hide-and-seek, and I'm still working on the finger-snapping. Even if it takes me a year to get it, I'm still WAY ahead of Aunt Tricia!

Monday, September 19, 2005

Surrounded by my toys!

Here I am, in a room that they call the "dining room." I don't know why, really. I mean, there is a table in there, but mostly it's just toys, toys, toys! See the Pack-n-Play in the corner there? I'm so big that I really don't like to play or nap in there anymore, so it's just filled up with...yep, you guessed it, toys! I don't know how I'm going to get all of these things home when I go, but I better not find out that Aunt Tricia or Aunt Lisa is trying to keep my Care Bears toy for themselves.

Sunday, September 18, 2005

Not-so-lazy Sunday.

We had a busy day today! We went out for breakfast, then had to run some errands. We started at the Home Depot near our house to get shelves for Aunt Lisa's work, and a new lawn mower for the house. They didn't have what we needed, so we drove a little ways to Lowe's and WalMart and got everything. I fell asleep in the car twice! (Oh, and we were in Kohl's, like, FOREVER because Aunt Tricia needed work clothes.)

Then we hung out at home, I napped again while Aunt Tricia put the mower together and mowed the lawn. (It was getting so high, I was afraid I'd get lost if I went out back.) Then I was just cranky all evening until bedtime. Whew, good thing it's a school day tomorrow. These aunts are wearing me out.

Good news for Mommy, though; the Kansas City Chiefs won their game tonight without me wearing my lucky shirt, so Mom, you'll be relieve to know you won't have to remember to put it on me EVERY Sunday...just most of the time, Aunt Tricia says!

Saturday, September 17, 2005


Hi, it's me, Aunt Tricia! Today was a very busy day for Alexis and me. We ran some errands, did the recycling, had lunch, visited Aunt Lisa at work and then took a long walk around the campus where I work (and where Alexis got to kick her feet in the fountain and pose for me on the little bridge near the sculpture garden). Then, Aunt Lisa's co-worker, Casey, invited us to the roof of his building to watch the hot-air balloon race, so we didn't have to deal with traffic or walking all the way into the park to see it. There were all the same balloons we saw last night at Balloon Glow, but the Energizer Bunny balloon (which was supposed to be leading the chase) seemed to only hop over a grove of trees to another part of the park, so the other balloons didn't know what to do.

Alexis is now going to bed without a bottle, and with very little fussing these days. She said "bubble" and "boat" during her bath tonight and she seems to be trying to snap her fingers. If she learns that skill anytime soon, I'm going to feel mighty dumb....I must have been 8 or 9 before I figured it out!

Have a good week, everyone!

Friday, September 16, 2005

Giant glowing balloons!

Tonight we went to the Balloon Glow in Forest Park with Mike and Jeff!

It's part of the Great Forest Park Balloon Race. The race will be on Saturday, when the Energizer Bunny balloon takes off, and then all the other balloons take off to chase it. Tonight, though, the balloons are all anchored in the park and they keep firing their burners to keep the balloons aloft. It's so pretty when they all light up in the dark! There must have been 25 or maybe even 30 balloons!

Then, I was hanging onto the side of one and it suddenly broke free of its tie-down ropes and we took off, straight up up up into the night sky, flying over the whole city. I was still hanging from the side and the balloon man was holding me by one ankle while he fired the balloon with his other hand. After a while he had to steer and land and stuff, so he tied a rope around my ankle and I hung off the edge. We landed about an hour away and I only bumped my head a little before he was able to grab me and pick me up.

HAH, gotcha! Just kidding! I just rode around in my stroller, ate Cheetos, looked at balloons and then came home for bed.

We did have an awesome time and took lots of pictures, though! (Something's up with and I can't post any right now...I'll try again Saturday!)

Art project.

Guess what we're doing at school? We're making life-size cutouts of ourselves. I don't know yet how we're going to decorate them but the ladies at daycare are brave, getting all us toddlers to lie still while they traced us. Better them than me!

Thursday, September 15, 2005

I love the phone!

Here's me, pretending to talk on the phone! I love to say "Bo" (which means hello) and jabber away. Until, of course, someone really wants to talk to me on the phone. Then, I don't say a single word, hah!

It was a cool day today (high of 70 degrees) so I wore my new Princess shirt with jeans and my new pink suede slip-on shoes. Plus, I have a little track jacket that matches my shirt. It zips up and says "PRIN" on one side of the zipper, and "CESS" on the other. Put it all together, and you've got me: Princess Alexis!

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Doctor visit!

Well, I had my 15-month checkup today and I'm very healthy, growing very well and advanced with my language and motor skills. They seemed to think I should be wanting to use a spoon more than I care to, (I CAN do it, Aunt Tricia told them. I just don't want to.), and said it's time to start giving up my evening bottle. Apparently, I need to really be good about brushing my teeth after my last bit of milk and/or food, and just having water after that. Spoilsports!

But, they were VERY nice and everyone said what a cute/sweet/smart/fun/happy baby I was, so that rocked. Last time I just got in my diaper and got examined, but this time I had a little tiny white gown with pink elephants and whales on it, and it matched my pink and white socks perfectly. Aunt Tricia wished so badly that she'd brought her camera and thought about bringing the gown home for a picture, but then realized she was out of control with her picture-taking. So, my vivid description will have to suffice!

I was a very good girl and only cried when I got my one shot, and then only for a few seconds! My next checkup is 18 months, when I'm home with Mommy!

For the stats, here you go....

12 month checkup, I was 22lbs, 6 oz, and 29 1/4 inches tall.
15 month checkup, I am 24.2 lbs, and 31.5 inches tall.

I've slimmed down a bit with my walking, and you can especially notice because my face is a bit thinner, but I have grown more than TWO inches in three months...WOW! I'm still at about the 50th percentile on height and weight, but that's the only average thing about me. (Aunt Tricia says I'm a genius...) Also, the milestones list at the doctor said I should say two or more words, in addition to Mama and Dada. Uh, hello...I say like 45 words or something!

I've been really getting good at the stairs. I can climb up the whole flight while Aunt Tricia or Aunt Lisa walks behind me, and I know that the only safe way to go down is to crawl backward, or to sit on my bum and scoot down. The Aunts walk right in front of me so I'm safe; the gates are up so I can never go on the steps without them, but I love to do it when they let me. I really liked the steps at Papaw's because they were so small, just like me!

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Guess who's coming to dinner?

Our friend Jeff came over for dinner tonight--everyone had spaghetti, but I had to have some kind of penne pasta because I'm more likely to eat some of it. With spaghetti, I end up wearing it all!

Then we hung out for a while, and Jeff invited us to go to the Balloon Glow Friday night. They have a hot-air balloon race this Saturday in Forest Park, and on Friday night they light up all the, huh? We'll be sure to take pictures of that!

Monday, September 12, 2005

Monday, headed home!

Well, our weekend in Kentucky is over so we came home today! I was excited to see Joe and to be out of the car, but I had lots of fun this weekend. I got lots of practice on stairs at Papaw's...they have a little short staircase that is perfect for tiny people to practice on. I said the dog Gizmo's name--Gizzy!--and I'm getting even better at pointing to my nose, toes, hand, ears, hair, eyes, mouth and tongue. I said Mamaw, and Papaw, and I could say my cousin Wilma's name perfectly!

Sunday, September 11, 2005

Get well, Uncle Johnny!

My Uncle Johnny got in a car accident. He is going to be ok but we were all very scared and we're glad he's alright. Get well soon, Uncle J!

Today we hung out with Papaw and Mamaw Princess a bit, then said goodbye to Nana and the G's before driving up to Lexington to Mammy's to see Mamaw, Aunt Jera & Uncle Chad, Mamaw Jeanette and Uncle Johnny.

Here's a picture of me last night at Mamaw Princess' house, looking at cows!

P.S. Wore my Chiefs tee shirt today and they beat the Jets 27-7. Aunt Tricia says that as long as I'm their lucky charm, Mommy will have to make me wear my shirt every Sunday!

Saturday, September 10, 2005

Kissing G-Love!

It's me, Aunt Tricia! Well, we finally got to Kentucky. On Friday night, we stopped at Mandy's and spent the night because it was late and Alexis's drivers were tired. We woke up this morning and drove straight to GG's and G-Love's. Lexi's Nana was there and she stayed with her and Grandmom while the Aunts golfed with G-Love. Then he came home and kissed on her a little bit...yay! He didn't even make his teeth come out like I warned Lex he might do.

Tonight we're going to see Papaw & Mamaw and Mamaw Princess! Alexis was a good traveler and slept most of the way to Kentucky, but was wide awake to see her Aunt Mammy last night!

Friday, September 09, 2005

Talked to my mommy!

I got to talk to Mommy on the phone last night, and I kissed her a bunch of times and said "love you" and then even threw a mini-tantrum for her when Aunt Tricia wouldn't let me eat cat food. Don't want you to be left out of the screams, Mom! It's like ALEXIS: The IMAX Experience.

Headed to Kentucky tonight so we may not get to post for a couple of days but we'll have some fun pictures when we get back.

Thursday, September 08, 2005

Another day, another dollar.

Hey, wait, I didn't get a dollar...what's up with that? Anyway, guess what we're working on at school? It's an "All About Me" booklet, so Aunt Tricia has to bring a picture of me tomorrow to add to my book. But no one--no nosy aunts or hardworking moms and dads--get to see this book until it's done. And, this weekend

We interrupt this Alexis Update to bring you breaking news from Alexis Central: Today was a big day for developmental milestones in the World of Alexis. We finally felt the first molar today. It's on the upper left side and brings the current tooth total to 9, for those keeping score at home. After only about a month of crankiness, mild fevers and 9,382 gallons of drool, the little sharp points are poking through! Now, if we can just get three more of them, we'll be all set for a while. Also, today Alexis said her own name: "Lexi," which sounded like "Detty", but we knew what she meant, because she kept repeating it every time we'd call her Lexi. In honor of this occasion, we've decided to share what we think is the complete list of all of her words. It's a long list, so settle in with snacks:

  • Mommy
  • Daddy
  • baby
  • hi
  • hello
  • bye-bye
  • Tricia
  • Lisa
  • Joe
  • go
  • school
  • bottle (ba-ba)
  • bath
  • up (uppie)
  • belly
  • nose
  • ear
  • toe
  • eat
  • down
  • me
  • poopy
  • pee-pee
  • no
  • yeah
  • night-night
  • book
  • all done
  • button
  • diaper
  • dirty
  • stinky
  • Elmo (or Melmo, or Bobo, or Bebbo)
  • Mandy (Mammy)
  • please (said only two times, but we're working on it)
  • ball
  • drink
  • milk
  • juice
  • Nana
  • Grandpa
  • doggie
  • peek-a-boo
  • light
  • tattoo (she can point to 'em when she says it, too!)
  • good girl
  • big bite
  • love you
She can also bark like a dog and meow like a cat. There are probably more that we're forgetting, but that list is pretty impressive already, isn't it? She uses some a lot more frequently than others, but she's said them all and said them at the right time, or to refer to the right object or person, so we're counting it as a vocabulary word.

She can arm wrestle and gives a little grunt when she hugs people. She's such a big girl that today, she held my hand and walked down the front steps on the way to school this morning, instead of being carried. She was very proud of herself. We're all very proud of you too, Alexis!

This has been an AUNT TRICIA NEWS BULLETIN. We return you to your regularly scheduled Alexis Update, already in progress..., what was I saying? It was like I lost my train of thought for a second. Oh, yeah, now I remember. We're going to Kentucky to see my Mamaw and Papaw and lots of my other family! Yay!

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Walking and climbing.

The other day, we went to the park for a few minutes to swing, play and just generally have some fun. There's a pavilion there, right by the playground, that looks out over this very pretty green lawn. We walked over there to look at it, and walked through the little wading pool (drained right now, darn it). There are small little curbs and steps all along the walk, but I did the WHOLE walk all by myself, with no help from the Aunts. They tried to help me, but I pushed their hands away. I am such a big girl!

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Surveying my vast kingdom.

Ok, it's just the backyard, but when the weather is really nice, Aunt Tricia or Aunt Lisa will open the back door and put the gate up so I can stand there and look out at the world, yell at Joe, and watch birds. I love it.

Today after school, we went shopping. We went to Payless, but I didn't get anything; Aunt Tricia had to get some shoes. (Well, she didn't have to, really, they were only tennis shoes, but she said she needed them.) But after that, we went to Big Lots and I got a baby that can actually go in the tub with me. He has a little robe and a removable diaper. (I know it's a boy baby because he's got a blue robe, of course.) I like to take my other babies in the tub but their bodies are cloth and after they get wet, they have to sit on the edge of the tub and dry out for hours, and I get so mad if I can't play with them. This little guy can go swimming any old time!I also got two baby bottles to feed my babies, so that's good. During dinner, I insisted my new baby sit on the tray of my high chair, and I'd stop my own eating to feed him his bottle every so often. Aren't I nice?

Monday, September 05, 2005

Happy Labor Day!

It's a lot of work to smile this big (and make this much drool)! Happy Labor Day, everyone!

Sunday, September 04, 2005

Look, I saw Daddy at Grant's Farm!

Hah, just kidding Daddy, it's a camel at Grant's Farm. We went today for a while and saw the camels, llamas, elephants, bald eagles and lots of other animals. I kissed more goats, of course, but this time I even got to feed some baby goats with a bottle-- check out the photos! We even saw the Clydesdale horses, and I know my sissy Jameson would have really enjoyed that.

We had lots of fun....I made two friends. There was a nice little baby girl next to us on the tram ride, and then another little girl just randomly hugged me while we waited in the sno-cone line. How sweet is that?

Saturday, September 03, 2005

Weekend Update.

It's me, Aunt Tricia, with my weekly update. Alexis is doing well and is learning new words all the time. She is walking so well it's amazing, and she rarely loses her balance or falls down anymore. She's not quite running yet, but I'm sure that will happen soon. Today we went to the Missouri History Museum in Forest Park; Alexis really enjoyed walking through the park to get to the museum (and all the walking makes her really tired, too!).

This picture is not that remarkable:

It's just a picture of Alexis playing in the dry tub. (She sometimes likes to play in the downstairs tub while I brush my teeth and stuff in the morning.) What is remarkable is that we have NO idea how she got INTO the tub. I was standing a few feet away, watching her standing in the bathroom; she was leaning over into the tub, trying to pick up her cup, and she leaned over so far her little toes started to come off the ground. I reminded her to be careful, and was wishing my camera was nearby. It would have been a very cute picture, with just her little legs stretched, trying to keep those toes on the ground. She straightened up, with both feet on the ground, and I turned around to pick up laundry off the floor. But when I turned back around, she was sitting in the tub, happily playing. Less than five seconds, I kid you not, and she had to have climbed in because there was no noise at all. Amazing, she is. Yet, she has not figured out how to open the lid of the toilet. Good thing, too!

She's VERY smart, as well. Friday morning, while we were getting ready to go to work and school, I told her that she could wear her cute blue sandals from Grandma. Then I could only find one sandal, and I looked all over. I finally sat down to put on my own shoes and she stood there looking at me, and at the one sandal I'd found. I told her, "I wanted you to wear these little shoes, but I can't find the other one. If you can find the other shoe, we'll put 'em on. Otherwise, you'll have to wear tennis shoes today."

She turned around, carrying her baby under her arm, and disappeared from the living room, through the dining room and around the kitchen wall, either into the kitchen or bathroom. She came back a second later holding a shoe. It wasn't THE shoe, but it was A shoe, and I think that's pretty awesome work for such a tiny person!

Otherwise, not much to tell. Alexis' Mommy may be delayed coming home because the people who were going to replace her in Cuba, are supposed to be coming from Gulfport, Mississippi, so we don't know yet if the tragedy in the Gulf Coast will affect that plan. We hope not, because Alexis misses her Mommy and I know Mommy misses her, but we know those people need help so we'll be understanding if it means we wait a few extra days.