Tuesday, May 31, 2005


Eating potato chips at the BBQ...this summer stuff is GREAT!

Monday, May 30, 2005

Moo cows!

Right outside Mamaw's house this morning, we saw lots and lots of cows resting by the fence. We've had lots of fun in Kentucky, and today I get to go to Cincinnati to go home with my Grandma and Grandpa for the week....whoo-hoo!

With my Mamaw Princess!

Sunday, May 29, 2005


Here's me, Aunt Tricia, a day late (but NOT a dollar short!). Here's Alexis with her sisters and my sister! We had lots of fun and all of the girls got to open their birthday presents. Fun times!

Saturday, May 28, 2005

Happy Birthday, G-Love!

Here's me with my great-granddad on his birthday...he's 80 and looking great! Don't we make a great pair? I love you, G-Love!

P.S. It's normally Aunt Tricia's day, I know, but I wanted to send a shout-out to G-Love myself. I'll let Tricia take over tomorrow instead! Love, Alexis

Friday, May 27, 2005

On the road again!

We're headed to Kentucky for Granddad Hunt's 80th birthday party tomorrow...stuck in the dumb car again. But check out my cute pigtails!

Thursday, May 26, 2005

The great outdoors!

Hanging out in the garden at Becky's house!

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

The party's over.

Well, the birthday celebration was pretty fun. First off, I went to daycare and had a great day. Then, I talked to Mommy and Grandma and Aunt Boo and Aunt Mandy and Nana and Papaw. Daddy tried to call but the time difference really makes it hard for us to talk, so he sent me messages and sent lots of kisses to me via Aunt Tricia. Hugs, Daddy!

Then we went to the Cardinals baseball game and I wore my new Cards outfit I got from Aunt Tricia & Aunt Lisa, plus my little red sweatsuit when it got cool. We had a hot dog and they were supposed to put my name and birthday on the scoreboard but I guess they forgot to. Anyway, that's ok, because right before the game, one of Fredbird's helpers came over and asked us to be the Rally Bell Ringers! Holy cow, are you kidding me? Of course we will! We got to sit in a special section in right center field, just by the retired numbers on the upper deck, and ring this giant bell. We rang it when the Cards took the field, after they scored, and then after the first inning, we rang it and were on the Jumbotron in the stadium. Awesome!

All in all, a fun day. Here are all the pictures!

P.S. Guess what?!? Next week I get to go stay with Grandma and Grandpa and Aunt Boo...yay!

Tuesday, May 24, 2005


You didn't forget what today is, did you? Yep, I'm the big 1 today, boys and girls.

Wanna see the evidence? Enjoy the pictures, 'cause there's nothing left of the little cake now.

Monday, May 23, 2005

A whole new way of drinking.

Guess what I learned to do today, folks? Yep, that's right. I DRANK OUT OF A STRAW. And then, once I figured it out, I did it again and again and again, and even got to hold my own juice box. Until I turned it upside down and juiced the floor. Then it was bathtime. For me, and for the floor. Oh, well, off to bed, I guess!

P.S. Almost forgot, started my new daycare today and I had tons of fun!

Sunday, May 22, 2005

Company and a cookout.

Today my friend Hannah (Lisa's niece) came over to visit and see the new house. She came with her dad, Jay, and Aunt Lisa's mom, Becky. We had a cookout and had lots of fun playing in the yard. I love Hannah!

Saturday, May 21, 2005

Zoo Day, The Sequel.

It's me, Aunt Tricia again. Today we went to the zoo in St. Louis and had a great time, but Alexis fell asleep. Again. There's just something about the zoo, I guess.

She's been a good girl all week but I think she's bored with watching us unpack, and she's ready to go to daycare to play with other kids again.

See, here she is, sleeping. Her bib says. "Wanna Piece of This?" but she doesn't really look that tough, does she?

Friday, May 20, 2005

I'm back!

Hey everyone, I'm back and blogging away! Sorry for the long absence but this moving stuff is crazy and then we had to get the internet all rigged up and we've just been unpacking like fiends. Well, I've mostly been sitting around, playing, but Aunt Tricia & Aunt Lisa look like they're working hard.

The trip was long but fun (I was a VERY good girl), and the new house is cool, especially the big whirlpool tub in the first floor bathroom. It rocks!

I will be trying to go back and catch you up on the trip and post some pictures over the next few days, so I'll backdate them as I go to keep things straight. Just keep checking here for a few days!

Still no walking, though I'm moving very fast while holding onto things. I'm trying to stand more and more in things like carts and strollers, and trying to climb the stairs in the new house. And lots of jabbering, plus I said Ma-Ma and caca (not like poop, though, like "cracker"). And I say caca every time I see any cookies, crackers or dry cereal. I talked to Mommy tonight and made her cry when I said Mama and caca. Sorry to make you cry, Mommy!

And, as you'll see from the photo below, I'm becoming a master of the sippy cup. Still working on the straw, but I think I got a LITTLE bit of juice from one today, then just chewed on the straw for a long time.

P.S. In case you forgot, guess who has a birthday in 4 days?!?

Monday, May 16, 2005

Hanging out with Aunt Tricia in Becky's yard. Finally in Missouri, and FINALLY out of the stupid car!

Finally out of the stupid car! Yay!!!

Spending some quality time with my Aunt Mandy before she had to drive back home to Kentucky. Maybe she'll come live with us! Come on, Aunt Mandy, join us!

Saturday, May 14, 2005

Oklahoma City.

We went to the National Memorial in Oklahoma City and I got to touch the water that flows over the black granite of the pretty monument. Last night, as we drove into Oklahoma City, there was a HUGE rainstorm and we almost didn't find a hotel because everything was all booked up for the graduation at the University of Oklahoma. Whew, thank heavens for the Holiday Inn Airport location.

Friday, May 13, 2005

Bye-bye, Texas!

This was our last visit to our favorite place in San Antonio, Rolando's Super Tacos, where the tacos are bigger than your head!

Thursday, May 12, 2005

Riding the rails.

Here's me, riding the suitcase up to our first hotel room in San Antonio, after the movers took our furniture!

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Last day of daycare in Texas!

Here's me on my last day of daycare with my favorite daycare lady, Melissa. She was so sweet to me and if she walked in the room and didn't see me or immediately say hi, I liked to yell and let her know I was there!

They're packing us up!

Well, today's the day! I passed the big moving truck coming up the road as Aunt Lisa drove me to school. Tomorrow's my last day at school here. They will load our stuff in the truck tomorrow and then on Friday we will drive to St. Louis....yay! The suitcases around the house are weirding me out a little but, but it'll all be ok.

Our internet access may be a bit sketchy for the next few days, but we'll try to post if we can. If not, we'll be taking lots of pictures and we'll get caught up early next week. Call Aunt Tricia's cell phone if you need us!


Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Hah, Aunt Tricia. Hah. Hah. Hah.

So, tonight after my delectable dinner of chicken-n-stars with carrots and peas (and wee bits of turkey smoked sausage on the side), I was still hungry, so Aunt Lisa gave me some peaches (baby food stuff, you know, in the jar). Anyway, she handed the jar to Aunt Tricia to feed me, so we sat down on the rug in the kitchen and she started spooning it in. Not fast enough.

So, I lunged toward her and told her, basically, to hurry the heck up or lose an arm. I added a little smack on the arm to make my point. She looked at me and (get this!), said, "Hey, little missy, chill out. I'm not your food slave."

I just looked at her in disbelief. Are you kidding me, not my food slave? All I have to say is this, "little missy" Aunt Tricia:


Uh-huh. That's what I THOUGHT you said.

Monday, May 09, 2005

A blast from the past.

Here's me, a long time ago when I couldn't sit up or crawl or anything! Just thought I'd give you a little flashback today!

Sunday, May 08, 2005

Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day, Mommy! I love you!!!!

Happy Mother's Day, Grandma, and Nana, and Mamaw, and Great Nana and Mamaw Princess and GG! I love you all!

Saturday, May 07, 2005

Look who's walking.

Yep, I'm sure glad it's my day to post, because I'm not so sure Alexis would brag on herself. But, she took a step last night!! We waited to post until we could tell her Mommy on the phone this morning. Aunt Lisa thinks it was two whole steps, I think it was more like 1 or 1.5, but it was definitely at least 1, and we both cheered and even Alexis made a little noise like, "Wow, what the heck did I just do?" We got out the video camera immediately, but she just looked at us like, you're too late, that's not not happening again today.

We'll keep the camera at the ready and keep you updated!

Friday, May 06, 2005

Wanna see some choppers?

Check out all these pearly whites! This is the best picture so far, but you still can't see the eye tooth (it's on my right, your left as you look into my adorable face), and the one on the other side's just about to show up, too! I'm really enjoying biting down on things and taking larger pieces of food, like crackers, to put between my front teeth and then bite off or break off a smaller bit to chew.

Thursday, May 05, 2005

You can call me Baby Fish Mouth.

I've started smacking my little lips together, in a sort of fish-lips kind of deal (hard to describe, but it's like I'm working up to making the kissing noises). So, the aunts are calling me Baby Fish Mouth. What the heck is that? They said it was some funny line from the movie, When Harry Met Sally. That's WAY before my time, but if it makes them happy, then Baby Fish Mouth it is.

Rubber Ducky, you're the one!

You make bathtime lots of fun.
Rubber Ducky, I'm awfully fond of you.

Now that I like to stand up more in the tub (under extremely close adult supervision, of course), Aunt Tricia picked up a little cover for the faucet in the shape of a duck. His cap lifts up and you can either put bubble bath in there for when you fill up the tub, OR you can CHEW ON IT! Anyway, he's pretty cool, and I love to play with him even though I have 5,000 other toys in the tub.

Thanks for the e-mails I've been getting. But, I can't always reply because the comments feature doesn't show the e-mail address of the sender, and I don't have everyone's e-mail address. So, please email it to me or to Aunt Tricia.

Also, a news update. We're moving NEXT WEEK to St. Louis, so get ahold of Aunt Tricia for the address information. The movers will take our stuff on Thursday and we will start our drive to Missouri on Friday sometime. Wow, I'm not even a year old and I will have lived in THREE states. Amazing.

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

How exciting.

Guess who slept ALL NIGHT last night? Yep, that's right.


I rock.

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

I saw Aunt Jera!

My Aunt Jera is in town for an education conference and I got to see her last night. It was only for a few minutes and silly Aunt Tricia forgot to bring a camera, but we hung out and she had on a VERY pretty necklace that I wanted to eat. Yay! Sorry no pictures. I gave Tricia a talking-to and I don't think she'll be making that mistake again. Frankly, I'm tired of covering for her. Slacker!

Sunday, May 01, 2005

Zoo day!

We went to the zoo today! It was big fun, but I fell asleep in the middle and those clowns who call themselves my aunts held me up--SLEEPING!--in front of the picture spot at the butterfly exhibit! We saw lots of cool stuff. I'll try to post more pictures later!