Monday, May 29, 2006

My new cousin.

On Monday before we left Kentucky to go back home, my Uncle Johnny & Heather had their new little baby. His name is Carson...isn't he cute?

The coolest Mommy. Ever.

My mommy is only about the very coolest Mommy ever on the earth. She went to Kings Island today for Aunt Mandy's bachelorette party and guess who she met? Forget it, you'll never guess.
DORA! and BOOTS! Does she rock or what?

Birthday Girls!

Saturday, we were in Kentucky and Mommy & Daddy had a big birthday party for me and my sisters. Our whole family was there and we had a great time! Here's a family picture from the day. I look kind of mad but really I had a lot of fun and got some cool presents and had a really pretty cake.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Happy Birthday to Me!!!

Today I am 2 years old. Yeah for me!

I went over to Nana Joyce's house this morning, and she gave me a great birthday suit! Birthday swimsuit, that is! Don't I look great in it?

Thanks Nana! I love You!

Fishing Again!

I went fishing again today, but I got to use my own Pole today! It is great. I caught some bluegill, but Papw had to help me take the hook out! Then I kissed the fish, and threw them back in!

Fishing with Papaw!

Today Papaw took me fishing again, but this time our luck was diffrent! We caught bunches and bunches of fish! I even kissed the fish! Mommy caught the most fish, and Daddy only caught 3, but me and Papaw caught about 10. We put all the fush back, because Papaw said he liked to practice "catch and release," but I got to kiss the fishes so I didn't mind!

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Boating Trip

We made the trip to Fostoria to Mamaw and Papaw's House, Yeah! On Saturday, Papaw took us out to Indian Lake on his boat! I was really excited, and he even got me a special Lexy-sized life jacket, so I could be safe. It had Barbie on it, and I really Liked it! He also got me a special fishing pole and a Dora bobber and tackle box. So we got to ride around on the boat and fish! It was awesome! Papaw said he is taking me and daddy fishing again on Sunday, but this time to a private pond so we dont have to take the boat, and he GUARANTEED a catch today, too, but we will see!

Thursday, May 18, 2006

New Kitties!

Big Breaking news! Our kitty cat, Ginger, had little baby kittie cats! They are so cute and cuddly, but nobody will let me hold one of them, so you wont be seeing any pictures of me with them! Tomorrow we are leaving for Fostoria, so I will be on the road for about 12 days! See you all soon!

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Happy Mommy's Day!!!

Happy Mother's Day to my Mommy, and Mamaws, and Nanas, and Grandma, and surrogate Moms! I love you all!



Saturday, May 13, 2006

Happy Birthday Sissie!!!!!

In honor of my sister, MacKenzie's, birthday today, she's seven by the way! I wanted to go back again today! So step into the Alexis Polley Time Warp, and let's revisit MacKenzie's 4th birthday!

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

I am so sorry!

I should apologize, last week I just felt lazy, so I didn't get to update. But this week it is NOT MY FAULT! See, on sunday, Daddy poked his eye out! Since he is the keeper of the computer, and I can't turn it on, I can't update. There is also this other dilemma: he can't take any pictures for me! The butthead poked out his right eye, which is the dominant one, and can't do anything that requires any type of dexterity or common sense. He did try to take some pictures today, but they didn't come out too well. So, I apologize for my laziness, and Daddy's silliness, and promise to update as soon as my photographer can see! But, because I am in a giving mood, here is a flashback picture of me. It all goes back to the beginning. Those were the days. All I had to do was float around... I didn't even have to chew my food or breathe because Mommy did it for me! Now they expect me to do all of those things for myself, plus they are trying to make me walk and talk and pick up my toys and stuff. The pressures of being 2!!!!!!!