Thursday, March 31, 2005

We're back!

Here's me on Easter Sunday! I got a bunny from my mommy & daddy and some baby food! (The candy in the basket was for Aunt Tricia & Aunt Lisa).

We've been out of town and have all been pretty sick but we're starting to get back to normal so we'll try to post more often!

Thursday, March 24, 2005

Under the table & under the weather.

Ok, disregard my previous post about how I was feeling so much better. Yesterday was a horrible, no good, very bad day. We are ALL sick. Aunt Lisa has bronchitis, which is really more like the flu, we think; she's been sick since Saturday and feels bad still but went back to work tomorrow. Aunt Tricia has the flu and stayed home, so we went to the Tricare Service Center to make sure I'm enrolled, couldn't get an appointment so we went to BAMC's Emergency Room (I know, it's not an emergency, but what else could we do? We have to fly in a plane on Friday and we sure couldn't do that with me all screaming and congested.) So we see like 4 people, then they tell us they can let us wait 8-10 hours (yes, HOURS) to get in the ER, or we can have a triage appointment at 2 pm. Hello, triage appointment.

We left and drove around a while, I cried and fell asleep and Aunt Tricia cried because her head kept on hurting. Then we went to her doctor and got her some flu medicine, then back to BAMC to see my doctor. He actually saw us EARLY, and was very kind and friendly, and said I just have a bad head cold and my lungs are clear. So we got a little antibiotic and some baby Motrin and I feel much better today. Let's hope that continues!

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Feeling lots better now.

Whew, I was kind of sick yesterday! I had a fever of just over 100 degrees and the nice folks at daycare had to call Aunt Tricia to let her know. Aunt Lisa came to get me and I went home and threw up all over the place. After that, though, I felt lots better, ate dinner, had a bath and went to bed at 7 pm like normal. This morning, my fever seems to be gone and I had a good breakfast and am VERY cheerful, so hopefully I'm all better!


Sunday, March 20, 2005

mmm mmmm good!

Today for breakfast I had some excellent Gerber cereal bars. Kind of like a Nutri-Grain bar, it was fantastic! I topped it off with some applesauce and a little bit of oatmeal....mmmmmm. No plans for today, just hanging out and playing!


Saturday, March 19, 2005

Laundry Day.

It's laundry day around the house and Aunt Tricia found a quicker way to get me clean than just the regular bath.

Friday, March 18, 2005


Here's me, pushing the walking toy at daycare! I pushed it for about 8 steps over to Aunt Tricia before I fell down. I mean, before I sat down.

It's official, today was a great day. In addition to my previously mentioned star turn in the local paper, Aunt Lisa came home today from her trip, I got a new baseball cap from Aunt Tricia's work, Mommy called and I got to talk to her, and I got a big box of stuff from Mommy with all kinds of my toys and some cute new clothes in it. Yay, Mommy!

My bear from Daddy was also in it, and I smiled so big when I heard Daddy's voice. (I especially like when he says, "What are you doin'?" That's the bestest.)

Whew, I'm worn out. Aunt Tricia will have to finish this.


P.S. It WAS a big day...Alexis went to sleep at 7 pm with no crying at all and is sound asleep now!

Front page news.

Well, we picked up the paper today and Miss Alexis is front page news here in her temporary home! There was a small picture of her on the front page, holding the cell phone listening to Mommy; the pictures aren't included in the online version of the article, but don't worry, I'm buying lots of copies to send to anyone who wants it.

Alexis will be signing autographs at a later date, for $10 each, but no charge for family & friends!

Thursday, March 17, 2005

Play time!

Alexis likes to play on the floor in her bedroom. She also likes to drag out all of the diapers people gave us, which we store under her bed. Here she is, caught in the act.

GO Kentucky Wildcats!

Happy St. Patrick's Day, everyone! We're rooting for the Kentucky Wildcats today, so we were torn between wearing blue or green. Alexis ended up wearing purple, and I went with the green shirt and blue jeans.

The photographer came last night to take pictures of Alexis for possible inclusion in the newspaper story; he planned to stay only 30 minutes or so but he ended up staying for over an hour. He said she was so cute he just couldn't help it, and he must have taken 150 or more pictures. She loved it, of course; she's just like her daddy and smiles as soon as she even SEES a camera. We don't know yet when the story will run, but I'll post a link here and get copies for everyone if she ends up in the paper.

Meanwhile, we're working on our bedtime routine and trying to sleep all night without a bottle. She's doing good and ended up sleeping more than 11 hours last night, going to bed just a bit after 7 and waking up a little before 7 this morning, with 2 15-minute intervals in the middle of the night. She had a full bottle at bedtime, then just a couple of ounces at 11 pm, and no bottle when she woke at 4. We're working through a little crying, but she's learning to comfort herself and I just sit by the bed, not moving or talking, so she can see I'm there.

We've taken a couple more pictures, and we'll post those hopefully tonight!

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

I'm such a celebrity.

Well, today's the big day. The photographer from the San Antonio Express-News is coming at 5:30 to take Alexis's picture for an article they're doing on the 2nd anniversary of the invasion of Iraq. We're not sure if our portion of the story will make the paper, but we'll keep you up to date on it. No pictures yet today, but we'll try to post one tonight before bed!

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Tubby time.

Alexis really enjoys the bath seat she received as a gift from the nice people Aunt Tricia works with.

Monday, March 14, 2005

The great outdoors.

Alexis loves the weather here, and seems completely shocked by the appearance of grass and the fact that she can go outside without being bundled up. We sat out front for a while yesterday evening before bathtime.

Sunday, March 13, 2005

Ah, Krispy Kreme.

Today was Alexis's first day in Texas, so to welcome her, we went to Krispy Kreme to watch the conveyor belt of fun. She had little nibbles of donut and liked it a lot.