Saturday, October 22, 2005

Bye-bye, Lex! We will miss you!

Well, this is the last Aunt Tricia weekly post. Alexis went back to Kentucky today with her Daddy, and her Mommy will get there later today to see her for the first time in 7 months. Aunt Lisa and I are very, very sad to see her go, even though we are happy she is back with her parents. We have had such a good time with her, and we feel very lucky to have been with her and to see her learn and grow. She is a very special wee one, very smart and brave and funny, and of course impossibly gorgeous. Alexis has brightened up our days since she got here, and we know she will be so glad to see Mommy again.

We will miss you, little monkey-headed Peanut. We love you very, very much!

Aunt Tricia & Aunt Lisa

Friday, October 21, 2005

Packing it in.

Well, getting all of my stuff ready to go, and tomorrow I head east to see my Mommy....yay, Mommy!

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Last day of school!

Today is my last day of school at Good Shepherd Academy. Aunt Tricia & Aunt Lisa took me in this morning and Mrs. Tammy gave me a baby doll which is VERY pretty. Daddy is coming to pick me up in the middle of the day so I can hang out with him and Mamaw P.

I'm sad to leave all of these wonderful ladies who have taken such good care of me, but I will get to visit them when I come to Missouri and Aunt Tricia promised to send them pictures and stuff.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Daddy's here!

Well, my Daddy made it here to get me and I was not so sure at first that this could actually be him, but I've figured it out and I'm very glad to see him. My Mamaw Princess came with him and we will have lots of fun!

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Tomorrow, I see my DADDY!

Guess what?!? My Daddy is back in the US and he is coming to see me tomorrow and to visit with Aunt Tricia & Aunt Lisa for a couple of days before he takes me to see Mommy!

Mommy has left Cuba and will be in Kentucky in a few days to get me. Yay, Mommy & Daddy!

Monday, October 17, 2005

Sunday, October 16, 2005

Saturday, October 15, 2005

This week in Alexis Land.

Alexis keeps saying lots of new words...I've decided not to keep track anymore. The other night she said "Goofball," and when it's gone that far, I can't be bothered to keep up. She's been feeling a little poorly, with diaper rash and buckets of drool, so I think that last molar is finally making its debut. She has a great new thing where she likes to wedge one or both of her feet in between the crib rails while she sleeps. I guess it's comfortable for her...until she turns over and can't get her feet loose. Then she has to cry and someone has to go use the Jaws of Life to free the trapped foot. I keep sneaking in there to take the feet out of the rails, but she keeps putting 'em back in.

And she likes to climb on the coffee table, which is fun. I keep saying no and removing her, but I don't think her Mommy & Daddy have a coffee table, so what the heck, right? Daddy will be here in a few days to get her, and it will be a sad week for us and for everyone at daycare. But we'll have fun and hang out together until the Daddy arrives!

Aunt Tricia

Friday, October 14, 2005

My nana is coming to visit!

Hey, my Nana called tonight and she is coming out to visit me...yay! We will have lots of fun.

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Me with Miss 'Netta.

Here's me with Miss Shanetta, one of my teachers at school:

I love her because she is sweet and nice. She also feeds me breakfast every morning (even if I already ate breakfast at home! How cool is that?)

Wednesday, October 12, 2005


After school today, I came home and played outside for a while and got to sit in the tree out in front of the house...I said "tree" and then I said "down." (I also said "peach" but that's neither here nor there, is it?) I also chased Joe the Cat all over the backyard, yelling "Joe, Joe, Joe," the whole time.

My antibiotics are making me feel lots better, my cough is pretty much gone and I'm such a good girl that after I take my medicine every night, I ask for more. ("Mo meh-min.")

My babysitter Eryn watched me for about an hour tonight while Aunt Tricia had to go back to work for an event, and Aunt Lisa wasn't home yet. Then I took a bath and watched the first inning of the Cardinals' victory over the super-stinky Astros. Yay, Redbirds! Posted by Picasa


Meow! Here's me in the mask the nice people at Build-A-Bear gave me the other I just the cutest little kitten you've ever seen?

P.S. Go Cardinals!

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

These teeth really come in handy!

I LOVE corn. I don't know why they call it an "ear" because it doesn't look anything like an ear. But, some of it probably ended up in my ear, so I guess that makes sense.

Monday, October 10, 2005

Would you like to touch my monkey?

Here's my new monkey Aunt Tricia & Aunt Lisa got me! I was going to get either a monkey, or a frog because I sleep on my belly with my legs all pulled up like a frog. But, I liked the monkey best and the aunts like to call me a "little monkey" when I climb all over everything. Anyway, he's super-soft and cuddly, and when I squeeze his hand, Aunt Tricia & Aunt Lisa talk to me. He's also got a little t-shirt that says "Someone in St. Louis Loves You!"

Sunday, October 09, 2005

Tricia Time!

Since Lex wouldn't let me post yesterday, I'm taking over today! Alexis is feeling lots better after her first couple of days of antibiotics. She has cut one of the two bottom molars, so there's only one little one left to come through in this batch of teeth, and that certainly wasn't helping her fever, or making her feel any better last week.

This morning, she got to see Daddy on the webcam, and both Mommy & Daddy were online and got to see her walking around and playing.

She's been very funny lately, screaming a lot when she's very excited. She's also got quite a few new words (the doctor's office still says she should be saying at least 5-7 words. hah! She says 5-7 words in her sleep. Really. She does.) Anyway, new ones are:

  • car
  • house
  • home
  • ready
  • outside
  • medicine (meh-min)
  • shower
  • eye
  • five
  • six
  • eight
  • nine (and she mumbles things that sound like "seven" and "ten," too)
  • more
  • mine
  • no (getting to be a very popular choice these days)
  • Hannah
  • Stacey
  • Eva
There are probably lots more I'm not thinking of now. She uses these pretty regularly, too, not just a one-shot deal. Plus, she's gives much less slobbery kisses, actually closing her mouth and making the little smacking noises. She holds her hand out for shampoo in the tub, and washes her own hair, and she sometimes looks at her outfits now in the morning like, "Hmmm, this? Are you sure?" It's just a matter of time 'til she's telling Mommy what she'll wear and what she won't wear!

That's the update for this week. We're taking her to Build-A-Bear today to get her going-away gift, so she'll probably post a picture of that in the next day or two!

Saturday, October 08, 2005

Happy Birthday, Daddy!

Even though Saturday is usually my day off, I couldn't let this one go by without saying HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my Daddy! I love you, and I'll see you very soon! Have a great day, Daddy!

(Aunt Tricia merged me into a new photo of my sisters, so we could give Daddy the proper shout-out on his big day! She also told me to post this at 8:32 a.m., because that's the exact time Daddy was born, and interrupted Aunt Tricia's Saturday morning cartoons. But no, she doesn't hold a 28-year-grudge.)

Friday, October 07, 2005

Another doctor visit for me.

Had to go to the doctor today, again. (I got kicked out of daycare yesterday afternoon because my fever was over 103! Can't go back THERE 'til Monday!) Anyway, he said it's still just a bad head cold, probably a slight sinus infection, so I have an antibiotic and just have to take it easy. I've been napping lots and am feeling a bit better now.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Who needs a stinkin' bib?

I had ravioli for dinner tonight. Some of it even got INTO my mouth, believe it or not. This was AFTER I'd had a banana, and then I had my ravioli with meatballs, some green beans and another banana. It was VERY good.

Monday, October 03, 2005


How do you like this look? I had been playing after breakfast Sunday morning, and then I had to get a diaper change. I was so tired, I fell asleep before I even got my pants put back on. Zzzzzzz....

Sunday, October 02, 2005

Happy Birthday, Mommy!

Happy Birthday, Mommy! I miss you and can't wait to see you!

Saturday, October 01, 2005

Punkin head.

It's me, Aunt Tricia. I had to work a few hours this morning. Then, this afternoon, we went to Eckert's Apple Orchard in Illinois. We saw this giant pumpkin and we went out on a hayride to the orchards and picked our own apples, plus we rode on a giant underground slide, fed some sheep, saw goats and a pig race and ate kettle corn and apple cider.

Whew! Alexis had lots of fun but we are all VERY tired. It's October, which means Alexis' mommy and daddy will be here very soon to visit us and to pick Alexis up so she can go home with Mommy! We know they're very excited to be seeing her and each other, and we can't wait.