Sunday, December 25, 2005

Christmas Is Here!!!

Well today was the big day! Christmas is finally here, and i got to share it with my Mommy and my Daddy! We had a great time and Santa brought me lots of gifts, although I would be lying if I told you that ripping all that paper gave me a huge adrenaline rush... I got so excited i forgot about the gifts themselves. But all of that changed when I opened my first baby, after that, forget it. I just wanted to play with my new babydoll, the rest of that stuff can wait! Right? I Wish the rest of the family could have been here with us, but I will be coming down to visit you all very soon!!! MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL!!!

Saturday, December 03, 2005

Just a li'l update...

Hi, it's Aunt Tricia, just giving you a little update on Miss Alexis...

Her daddy will be home REALLY soon, before Christmas, which will be a great Christmas present for Lex and for Mommy. Alexis talks so much, her Mommy says, and her favorite thing to say lately is, "No, Mommy." And she asks to eat all the time, even in the nighttime when she should be sleeping, but she's still her usual svelte self.

That's all I've got right now. Hopefully we'll have some new pictures soon!
