Sunday, November 13, 2005

Some delayed pictures...

Here is a picture of the sign we made for Daddy when he came to pick me up! Aunt Tricia's finally getting around to getting it loaded to post for me. She's also FINALLY sending me my toys...I secretly think she's been playing with all my stuff, but she claims she hasn't. Hmmm....
Here's me the morning my dad came to get me. I was wearing my "Don't mess with me...HOOAH!" shirt. Remember, I wore this when I first went to Aunt Tricia's and I was much smaller then, so this'll probably be about the last time you see this on me! Posted by Picasa

Just for kicks, here's the picture of me in April...look how tiny and not-walking I was, all propped up against the chair in my 6-12 months jeans.